
Our offers



How and when can i start using Peloud?

You can use Peloud anytime and anywhere. You only need a web browser and an internet connection to access the application. You need no extra devices or programs. Simply fill in the form on the webpage and you will get access to your own application immediately.

Can the number of active users change monthly?

Yes it can. You can define the number of active users every month, and by that optimise the monthly costs. Inactive users are temporarily blocked. That means they cannot access Peloud, but their data (information) remains in the database. We can re-active users at anytime

What happens after the 30-day free trial?

A few days before your trial expires, you will be contacted by one of our consultants to discuss any questions & suggestions and to help you find the most appropriate package for your needs. All data you have entered will be saved. If you decide to not continue, after the expiry of 30 days from the initial log in, the application will lock and your data will be deleted.

How can I stop using Peloud?

You can discontinue using it at any time without any further obligations. In case of termination, you should inform us one month in advance. Upon termination, we export your data into an appropriate format then within one month, your application is deleted. A few days before, you will be contacted by a consultant to discuss any questions and/or suggestions, to agree on any following steps and select the most appropriate package. All data you have already entered will be saved. If you decided to not continue, after 30 days from the initial log In, the application will lock and the data will be deleted.

How much do additional adjustments cost?

Additional adjustments are calculated by the actual time spent. Our consultants consider your wishes in detail, offering an assessment of the required time and after your confirmation the adjustments are made.

How can I contact you if I have questions regarding use?

If you have any additional questions, you can always contact our support team. Our e-mail address is [email protected]. Support is free of charge.

Alice Morgan, JJ Agron

“Peloud has helped us save time and close more deals on a consistent basis. The ability to easily keep track of our files, communication and happy employees have been a blessing for helping us to use our time and serve our customers more efficiently.”

Jordan Jakobs, McMahan

“Peloud out-of-the box reporting capabilities are great. I’m able to see valuable metrics on visits and leads to my site immediately. Peloud intuitive interface provides the reporting and analytics I need out of the box.”

Teresa Jones, Multicerv

“Our inbound leads have grown so dramatically from our website and search optimization that we have hired a dedicated sales team that now only works on inbound leads. That was never the case before hosting and running our website with Peloud.”

Lori Scales, Corinthian Design

“We chose Peloud because we felt that their solution could handle our leads coming in seamlessly without overwhelming us. Today, we truly feel organized and on top of each lead that comes through. As a result, we have watched our revenue reports grow and it is simply because sales are not slipping through any cracks.”

Jimmy Lee

“Peloud has enabled us to increase our leads consistently, by automating the process of qualifying and nutritious top products, even though we are not looking at it. This brings us to stream adaptation, content creation, new initiatives and its consequences. As a result, our marketing and sales teams are more interconnected and focus on common goals than before, and now our Clients have to understand every step of the client’s visit to the client’s website. “

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